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Taking Care of You Is Our Priority

We provide non-judgement environment and a place where you can be you and respond in the moment.

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Siouxland Urology

Serving Sioux City, Siouxland Urology Associates, P.C., formerly known as Sioux City Urological Associates, was founded in 1957 by two prominent urologists, Dr’s. Wayland K. Hicks and Dwayne E. Howard. Their spirit and commitment to bringing urologic expertise to the area by offering the finest team of doctors, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and professional, caring staff are still present today. At Siouxland Urology we believe in the golden rule: To treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Let's get started!

Schedule your appointment today!

Who We Are

Siouxland Urology strives to provide each and every patient with comprehensive and timely state-of-the-art medical care. We continue to meet this goal through hiring the most experienced and skilled urology professionals with a heightened focus on excellent customer service, compassionate care, advanced technology, convenience and an overall focus that includes operating our practice in a fiscally and ethically responsible manner. Our number one priority is to provide a positive experience for each patient and their outcomes.

Doctor Talking to a Patient
Doctor Talking to a Patient

Why We Do It!

At Siouxland Urology, we believe you and your family deserve the best medical service. We always strive to offer the most current technology and treatment along with the best patient care possible. The investment we’ve made in building this new state-of-the-art facility reflects our commitment to you.

our services
Erectile Dysfunction
Man Smiling
Prostate Cancer
Man Smiling
Couple Embracing
Urinary Conditions
Kidney Stones
Woman Smiling
Couple Smiling While Looking at a Tablet Computer
Low Testosterone
Man Smiling

Are You Struggling With:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Testosterone Deficiency
  • Peyronie's Disease
  • Cardiovascular Issues

Take our confidential online self-test to reclaim your freedom today.

start now
Man Smiling While Using His Laptop Computer on a Couch
Illustration of the Inside of the Human Body

The Right Care Makes The Difference

Conditions we care for include:

  • Incontinence
  • Kidney and urologic stone disease
  • Prostate cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Kidney blockage
  • Enlarged, non cancerous prostate gland
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Blockages in one or both tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  • Cancer of the urinary tract

ED Treatment Webinar with Dr. Bourne

Attend an informational Men’s Health Webinar/Seminar sponsored by Coloplast Corp. to educate men and their partners about ED and approved treatment options. Your name and contact information will remain confidential. For complete anonymity, you can register under an alias, however the correct email address is required for event login.

Learn more here!

What Our Patient's Say

A New Day is Possible.

We absolutely love what we do. We help people like you achieve positive outcomes every day.

We've partnered with Dunes Surgical Hospital to provide surgery services in our facility. Until recently, most surgical procedures required our patients to be hospitalized and away from their families. With all the new advancements in surgical equipment, diagnosing and procedures, many in-patient treatments can now easily be done here at the Dunes Surgical Hospital. Best of all, you can go home the same day.

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Couple Dancing
our affiliations
American Urological Association Logo American College of Surgeons Logo LUGPA Logo